Impact noise and walking noise modelling

The CEVAA offers vibro-acoustic simulations in order to improve the impact noise and walking noise performance of multilayer flooring.
Improve building acoustics
Impact noise characterizes the propagation of impact noise from one room to another through the structure, in particular the floor (object falling to the floor, noise of heels, etc.). Impact noise is characterized by the indicator ΔL (and its weighted index Δlw). This represents the difference in the sound measured in the reception room between a standardized reference floor and the floor to be tested.
Walking noise, on the other hand, uses the same configuration as that used for the impact noise but differs by the measurement of the sound in the room emitting the impact noise. The modeling is based on the EN ISO 10140-3 test standard. Indeed, it takes up the dimensions of the rooms, the placement of the microphones and the excitation generated by an automatic impactor standardized according to the Cremer model.
Vibro-acoustic coupling
The interest of a fluid/structure modeling is to be able to couple the vibrations of the floor to the propagation of the acoustic wave in the air, contrary to a traditional mechanical calculation which only makes it possible to obtain the fields of results on the finite structural elements.
Thus, it is possible to analyze both displacements and accelerations through the floor as well as the acoustic pressure radiated by the floor itself in order to overcome any structural weaknesses or help in the development of innovative materials for the building.
It is in this context that the CEVAA published a paper on the calculation/impact noise test correlation at the French Acoustic Congress in 2018 in collaboration with Saint Gobain Research and Weber.
The CEVAA relies on two calculation methods to obtain the results:
- The finite element method with the Code_Aster code developed by EDF and the acoustic calculation software Actran from MSC Software
- The TMM method (Transfer Matrix Method) with the Alphacell software
For more information, contact us to discuss technically on your needs!