CEVAA research projects

The CEVAA works on R&D projets and supports its clients in the context of partnership research projects. We are CIR approved (Research Tax Credit).

To maintain a high level of skills, the CEVAA operates scientific and technological resourcing by deploying its own research programs to develop expertise and innovative methods of acoustic and vibration characterization.

région normandie

With the support of Normandy Region and European Union

Most of these projects are co-financed by the Normandy Region and the FEDER.
Thank them for their trust and their support.

clipfam fabrication additive normandie


Develop and validate methods for constructing multiphysics models of electrified systems using artificial intelligence.

cardionoise bruit ville hypertension


Study of the link between exposure to noise from road transport and its impact on hypertension / high blood pressure.

cecovim mécatronique essais


Center of Expertise and Ageing Control for Mechatronics.

amortissement par frottement automobile

Interfaces damping

Move towards lighter vehicles to reduce the ecological impact by optimizing the choice of materials.

clipfam fabrication additive normandie


Define the characteristics of the powder bed on the properties of metal parts made in additive manufacturing.

FROID e-motor


Study and optimize the vibro-acoustic behavior of an electric motor at temperature.

vibrhyss vibro-acoustique


Predict and optimize acoustic comfort for the transport industry through a hybrid Measurement/Calculations methodology.

MIMME : Innovative Methodologies and Experimental Multiphysical Resources for Industrial R&D (Méthodologies Innovantes et Moyens Multiphysiques Expérimentaux pour la R&D industrielle)

Analyses et Surface, CEVAA, GPM, Areelis and 6NAPSE have come together to create MIMME, a relevant testing offer for the aeronautics, automotive, medical, packaging, materials, etc. sectors.

Project goals:

  • Develop appropriate methodologies and test benches
  • Create a Single Window for the management of an extended validation chain
  • Better understand reliability issues through a mixed experimentation/testing approach

MIMME contributes to strengthening the attractiveness of Normandy for the development of an aeronautical center and to provide it with a strong national positioning with differentiating means compared to Paris or Toulouse regions.

  région normandieFEDER


The CEVAA is part of the CRIOS project, which aims to develop a miniature cooling solution for electronic components in harsh environments. Led by the Norman SME AREELIS Technologies, this project labeled NAE and supported by the Thales group, is co-financed by the Normandy Region and the Operational Program FEDER Normandy, and brings together 5 other Norman partners: GPM (University of Rouen) and LOFIMS (INSA Rouen), CEVAA, ANALYSES & SURFACE and the SME PROJACTION.

The objective of the CRIOS project is to carry out a proof of concept of the integration of existing Phase Change Materials (PCM) in an electronic system/component to optimize its thermal behavior during high transient power demands.

To achieve this goal, the CRIOS project plans to approach the development of this concept from two aspects:

  • Experimental modeling, which will make it possible to demonstrate the integration of a phase change material on an electronic system/component and the characterization of this experimental model on a test bench in laboratory conditions. The thermal behavior of the experimental model will be evaluated on a mission profile and a system provided by THALES OPTRONIQUE. This model will be preceded by the design of test specimens to verify the “insulation” approach on the one hand and the “dissipation” on the other hand, the idea being to imagine, for the future and following the CRIOS project , the development of a thermal switch.
  • These experiments will be preceded by numerical modeling, which will make it possible to apply all the theoretical laws to the two test specimens and to the experimental model and to establish the concept’s efficiency thresholds and their evolution over time.

This project aims to reach a TRL 4 technological maturity.

This project culminated in late 2018 with a promising solution for the industry.
This project was supported by the Normandy Region and the Operational Program FEDER Normandy. Normandy Region et le the Operational Program FEDER Normandy.

Other projects

R&D / R&T projects examples


    • APACHE: Improving the Low-Temperature Acoustic Performance of Sealing Joints (2021-2022)
    • CARCOU: Characterization of High-Frequency and Temperature Decoupling Pads (2019-2020)
    • VATHITAC: Modeling of Connectors Under Vibration, Thermal and High Voltage Constraints (Vibrations, Temperature and High Voltage Analysis for Connectors) (2017-2018)
    • VIRTUOSE: Integration of a range-extender in a VE. Engine Noise Isolation Strategy
    • Damping by friction: using the covering of a structure to provide vibration damping
    • Calculation of static behavior from dynamic measurements of car bodies: implementation of a methodology to calculate static deformations in bending and torsion from dynamic measurements.
    • Sequential 3d VS simultaneous 3d vibrational damage: Simultaneous 3d aging is more realistic and faster than successive 1d aging.
    • Development and evaluation of aero-acoustic performance in ducts: perform characterization of acoustic performance in the presence of airflow up to 100m/s, development of innovative absorption solutions in the aeronautics sector.
    • TESSA : the TESSA project aims to consolidate and deploy the methodologies for characterizing the secondary vibration sources of transport vehicles (LV, HGV) with the aim of reducing the development costs and prices of the components concerned.

    CEVAA supports its clients in the context of partnership research projects