Cardionoise : study of the link between the exposure to transport noise exposure and its impact on hypertension

As part of the Cardionoise research project, the CEVAA studied the cardiovascular effects of noise pollution related to transport in urban areas.
An acoustic study conducted by the CEVAA
Cardionoise supports the development of a medical protocol to combat the cardiovascular effects of noise pollution related to transport in urban areas. This project was carried out in partnership between the CEVAA (6NAPSE Group), the University of Rouen Normandy – ABTE/Toxemac and the Inserm UFR of Medicine and Pharmacy.
The University of Rouen has indeed called on CEVAA, a specialist in measurement and vibro-acoustic simulation, to manage the entire acoustic expertise of the project. From the reproduction of road noise signals to their broadcasting, a wide range of skills in the field of acoustics have been used (signal processing / choice of broadcasting equipment appropriate to the application / microphone measurements).
Reproduction of acoustic waves and measurements
Signal generation software was used to create signals and shape their frequency content to conform to the standard. Volume evolution automations have also been implemented to simulate vehicle passages. Once this signal has been generated, particular attention has been placed on the choice of equipment allowing the desired acoustic waves to be faithfully reproduced (optimal bandwidth / uniform frequency response curve).
Finally, all of this equipment could be positioned in the test areas and microphone measurements were taken to check that the content of the broadcast signal corresponded to the digitally generated signal.
Recognized, the work has been validated by the National Health Security Agency – Anses. The results obtained during this feasibility study set the framework for a future project. This will aim to study the mechanisms of action related to noise on cardiac activity, and the synergistic effect of atmospheric pollution.