3D Laser Vibrometry measurements

CEVAA carries out different vibration characterizations with two 3D laser vibrometers, including an infrared one.
Vibration characterization by vibrometry
- Measurement without contact, therefore non-intrusive
- High spatial resolution (number of pts / area units)
- Application on parts with high thermal stresses
- Use of mirror for simultaneous measurement of a front and rear face
- 3D measurement with optimized measurement time and possible automation (scanning system)
- Extended analysis domain (very wide frequency up to 80KHz)
- Automation of the measurement from a mesh taken from the video image of the object
- Possibility of using the finite element model of the simulation
- Mobile tool: packaging for transport to the customer site
- Experimental modal analysis (EMA) / Operational measurements of structure or subset (ODS)
- High frequency registration of finite element models
- Reliability of electronic boards / components
- Vibration analysis of electronic micro-components, MEMS – NEMS
- Study of the influence of damping materials on the vibro-acoustic behavior of structural elements
- Realization of strain mapping
On which parts? Which dimensions?
- Electronic micro-components
- Macro-structures (ex: engine, turbine, …)
Type of excitation?
- Measurement achievable under real excitation (operational measurements, ODS)
- Measurements achievable under artificial excitation (impact hammer, shakers) MIMO
The CEVAA has been using 3D laser vibrometry for several years. This experience makes our company a reference in the field.
Strong expertise in the aeronautics and space sectors but also in the automotive, railway, etc.
Advantage: we also travel to your site to carry out the measurements.
For more information, contact us to discuss technically on your needs!