Alpha cabin

cabine alpha

The Alpha Cabin makes it possible to carry out measurements of the acoustic absorption coefficient in diffuse fields.

The Alpha cabin is much smaller in size than a reverberation room (volume: 6.44 m3). The sound absorption of the Alpha cabin itself is also very low: thanks to the high level of sound insulation, background noise in the relevant frequency range is reduced to a minimum.

Alpha cabin principles

  • Measurements on flat samples, generally 1.2 m by 1 m. Real parts can also be measured, such as motor absorbers.
  • System recognized throughout the industry and used by vehicle manufacturers and suppliers
  • The results of the measurements make it possible to establish the specifications of the absorption properties of the NVH products (noise, vibration, hardness)
  • Fast measurement process
  • Response to RNES-D-20001 and D49 1977 test procedures

Measurements / calculations made

  • Absorption performance of flat or complex materials
  • Measurements of the absorption coefficient α or the equivalent absorption area Aeq from the Sabine formula

Examples of completed projects

  • Characterization of innovative materials
  • Characterization of flat or pre-formed material

Materials characterization benches

petite cabine

Small cabin

cabine alpha

Alpha cabin

tube d'impédance

Impedance tubes

potence oberst

Oberst method

banc mesure rigidité dynamique

Dynamic stiffness bench

banc essai squeak and rattle acoustique

S&R bench

caractérisation matériaux coefficient de Poisson

Poisson's ratio bench

analyse mécanique dynamique DMA


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