Dynamic simulation

CEVAA carries out dynamic simulation. Our design office performs the prediction and numerical characterization of structural deformations and constraints.
Buildings, automobiles, household appliances, etc., these structures are often exposed to vibrational or acoustic mechanical movements. Indeed, in many industrial sectors, it is essential to characterize the deformations and stresses of structures resulting from mechanical loads.
In order to make reliable or validate the design of a system, these manufacturers simulate the behavior of the latter in the face of these mechanical problems by dynamic simulation.
Dynamic simulation in our design office
CEVAA supports manufacturers in their dynamic simulation, in order to better optimize the dynamic properties and behavior of structures. The calculation reproduces the movements of a system according to certain boundary conditions (environment), for mechanical or thermal loadings.
Dynamic simulation allows manufacturers to:
- Calculate resonant frequencies and structural responses.
- Calculate the stresses (mechanical and thermal).
- Plan and validate modifications to the structure.
We have powerful dynamic calculation software and extensive feedback from our teams.
- Tooling validation for vibrator tests
- Calculation of impact noise on multilayer flooring
- Calculation of modes on electrical installation equipment
- Seismic calculation on equipment in the nuclear field
CEVAA assets
- Experienced simulation and calculation teams
- Tailor-made finite element analysis according to your specifications
- Advice and recommendations
- Diversity of simulated environments and stresses
- Correlation calculations / tests
- Simulation training (all levels)
For more information, contact us to discuss technically on your needs!