Vibroacoustic characterization of materials

caractérisation matériaux coefficient de Poisson

The CEVAA helps the industrials to develop optimized products considering the technical characteristics of the materials.

Materials characteristics

The CEVAA has several test facilities dedicated to characterizing the acoustic and vibration properties of materials.


  • Latest-generation small cabin for evaluating the sound insulation of materials and components intended for the automotive industry. This means of characterization allows the qualification of the parts tested according to the acoustic specifications of the car manufacturers or according to specific protocols.
  • Alpha cabin and a Kundt tube (29/100 mm and 44mm) for measuring the absorbent properties of porous materials.
  • Oberst beam for determining the damping properties of viscoelastic materials

We are accredited by RENAULT (Self Agreement) for the following methods:

  • D49 1977: Fibrous and alveolar materials – Acoustic absorption in
  • D45 2019: Materials, parts and components – Acoustic attenuation – Small cabin measurement
  • 37-06-082: Acoustic validation of parts and components by measuring acoustic attenuation in a small cabin

PSA methods are also known to CEVAA and can be carried out using our resources.

Beyond measurement, the CEVAA supports and advises these partners in the qualification of parts or components and in the choice of acoustic materials. In addition, the data collected on these means of acoustic and vibration tests, allow us to reuse them to solve your problems by simulation and calculation.

CEVAA Skills

  • Characterization of dynamic properties (modulus and damping) of viscoelastic materials, plastics, alloys, composites, etc.
  • Characterization of the acoustic properties of porous materials
  • Absorption coefficient and attenuation index measurement
  • Measurement of the gross insulation of a multilayer complex or a room
  • Identification of a poroelastic model
  • Modeling of damping treatments, multilayer materials, composites

The CEVAA offers you the realization of material characterization in Renault Self-Agreement. We are also able to carry out tests according to the standards of other manufacturers (FORD, PSA, etc.). Our experience allows you to benefit from support in understanding the results.

Materials characterization benches

petite cabine

Small cabin

cabine alpha

Alpha Cabine

tube d'impédance

Impedance tubes

potence oberst

Oberst method

banc mesure rigidité dynamique

Dynamic stiffness bench

banc essai squeak and rattle acoustique

Squeak & Rattle Test Bench

caractérisation matériaux coefficient de Poisson

Poisson's ratio characterization bench

analyse mécanique dynamique DMA

Dynamic mechanical analysis (DMA)

For more information, contact us to discuss technically on your needs!