Earthquake resistance calculation

The CEVAA performs calculations to validate the resistance to earthquakes and vibrations of various equipment (electrical cabinets, pumps, valves, cable trays, etc.), particularly in the field of energy (Nuclear, Oil & Gas, etc.).
Seismic analysis and simulation
Seismic tests are often cumbersome to set up and expensive (prototype production, test on multi-axis bench, etc.), the CEVAA offers seismic analyzes in order to validate the resistance of your equipment to earthquakes according to standards and/or specifications. The spectral method is used according to ASME and Eurocode standards.
This method makes it possible to obtain the upper bounds of stresses and displacements on the model, corresponding to the maximum values seen over the entire duration of the earthquake following the amplifications of the accelerations induced by the seismic loading.
Due to its expert use, the CEVAA uses Code_Aster, the finite element code of EDF, to carry out seismic analyzes by spectral method in the nuclear field.
Vibration and thermo-mechanical analysis
The CEVAA also intervenes to validate vibration analyzes (DSP, fixed sine, Dwell, etc.) in order to validate the resistance to vibrations according to a defined duration of your models from the results of displacements and constraints.
It is also possible to add a thermal load during the simulation in order to take into account the residual stresses brought by the thermal expansion of the materials.
These simulations make it possible to validate the behavior of the part or the equipment in addition to the endurance tests on vibrators in the case of a redesign or a tightening of the requirements following new standards.
From the results obtained, fatigue calculations can also be implemented to obtain the damage of the equipment over several cycles from the Wöhler curves (or S-N curves) of the materials and to determine the life of the model from a given DSP.

For more information, contact our teams!